In this tutorial we’re going to deploy an ember-cli application to Firebase. Firebase is a Backend as a Service provider that makes storing and using realtime data easy. They have libraries for all of the popular web and mobile platforms, failing that you can always fall back to the REST API too. We’ll be using ember-cli-firebase-hosting in this tutorial, which is a wrapper around the official firebase-tools package.

1) Head on over to Firebase and sign up (free for the ‘hacker’ plan). You’ll then be redirected to your Dashboard.

2) An app, ‘My First App’, will be sat waiting for you. Feel free to customise the settings on this app. If you’ve already developed your app using Firebase you’ll have all of this setup already.

3) Let’s make an Ember app, with ember new <APP NAME>.

4) First we’ll install the official Firebase command line tools, run npm install -g firebase-tools, which gives us access to the firebase command.

5) cd in to the root of your project and run firebase login to authenticate with Firebase, follow the prompts.

6) Run npm install --save-dev ember-cli-firebase-hosting to install the ember-cli Firebase Hosting addon.

7) Run ember generate firebase-hosting, this will create a firebase.json file for you. Running this is the equivalent of running firebase init. If the app name in your Firebase dashboard doesn’t match your Ember app’s name, go ahead and change the firebase property in the firebase.json file. If in doubt about your app’s name just run firebase list.

8) Now we run ember firebase deploy to deploy the app.

9) You’ll receive some output that looks like this:

Successfully deployed

Site URL: https://<APP NAME>, or use firebase open

Sweet, that’s the app deployed. Feel free to navigate to that URL to see your application. You can also use a custom domain, but that’s out of the scope of this tutorial.

This writing has kindly been sponsored by Pootsbook and Ember Watch.

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