I recently published ember-deploy-s3-index, an S3 index adapter for ember-deploy (Writeup). Whilst the documentation for ember-deploy is good, I thought I’d briefly talk about some of the things I found whilst building a custom adapter, to hopefully aid anyone building their own adapters.


For context, ember-deploy is an ember-cli addon for deploying ember-cli applications. It has a nice architecture based on using different adapters for different deploy scenarios. You need to have two types of adapters, an index-adapter (which handles the index.html file) and an assets-adapter (which handles the other assets). Read more about it on the ember-deploy README.

Telling ember-deploy an adapter exists

At the heart of it all, you’ll need to add ember-addon to your package.json keywords section as always. Then in your module’s main index.js export we define the type as ember-deploy-addon, now ember-deploy will pick up on our adapter when looping through all of the ember addons in the project, .e.g:

var S3Adapter = require('./lib/s3-adapter');

module.exports = {
  name: 'ember-deploy-s3-index',
  type: 'ember-deploy-addon',

  adapters: {
    index: {
      'S3': S3Adapter

Defining the Adapter

When you define your adapter it makes most sense to inherit from the base adapter class. You can import this like so: var Adapter = require('ember-deploy/utilities/adapter');, this uses extend() syntax.

When your adapter is initially instantiated it’ll be passed a number of things. manifestSize if one has been defined in the config, this sets the number of revisions you would like to exist before older ones are purged. A taggingAdapter if one has been specified in the deploy.json file, this would mean a custom taggingAdapter has been specified, all taggingAdapters must specify one method createTag(), which you can use to tag your revisions in-line with the users’ needs. If a taggingAdapter isn’t provided you can use the built in SHA based taggingAdapter by requiring it like so: var TaggingAdapter = require('ember-deploy/utilities/tagging/sha'); and calling createTag(). Lastly a ui property is passed through that you can use to write out to the command line like so this.ui.writeLine('A tasty message');

Configuring Asset URLs

Another thing you’ll want to do when working with adapters like this is define a fingerprint.prepend property in your Brocfile.js. By default ember-cli will generate relative URLs, but as we’ll be storing our assets somewhere else these will be pretty useless. By defining this property our asset hosts’ URL will be prepended to the asset URLs within our index.html file.

var app = new EmberApp({
  fingerprint: {
    prepend: 'https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/my-assets-bucket/'

Other than that, everything is straight forward. Use your adapter within your deploy.json file and away you go!

This writing has kindly been sponsored by Pootsbook and Ember Watch.

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